Welcome on this blog. Here we'll talk about digital photography together with image post-processing and some tips & tricks about this beautiful art.
I have to say some things before starting this new experience: I'm italian, so my english is not perfect, but I hope that you'll understand the most important concepts that I will explain here. Another thing is the fact that I'm a beginner in this field, so in this blog I'll tell you my new experiments with some tricks that I'll find to be useful in order to obtain good looking photos.

My passion - digital photography - has ancient origins. Since I was I child, I always looked at my grandfather film camera with curiosity, wondering of what mechanism could permit to light to draw beautiful images with vivid colors such as those old slides and prints. Unfortunately, this curiosity soon desappeared, and serveral years passed until, about one year ago, I started again intresting in photography. I still have my grandfather's film camera, but I prefer to take the digital way for several reasons. The first is clearly the differences between the cost of film photos and the digital ones: the latter has almost zero-costs and almost infinite possibilities. Indeed, while with film photos you have a limited number of available shots, with digital cameras you have the great possibility to delete the picture you have just taken and take a new one. Furthermore, you can adjust the sensibility of the sensor (the ISO parameter) every time you need, dependeng on the light conditions.

Now, let me tell you few other things. In the right sidebar I will add some useful links to digital photography websites and it will be updated regularly (I hope). There is also the link to my Flickr page, where you can find many of my shots.

But now, let the photos speak! The first picture I post here is a photo that I took some days ago when I was in Venice. It isn't so much wonderful, but I like so much the colors of the trees and the sky.

Shot in RAW quality and adjusted with Photoshop CS3.

2 Responses to "Welcome"

  1. gravatar sushi john Says:

    Start a new blog is an hard choice; I'm very interested in your photographical experiments and I find some of your shots wonderful. In partiuclar I appreciate the titles you give.
    What else to say... I've linked this blog on my own.

  2. gravatar Deezzle Says:

    Oh, thank you my dear Sushi. It sounds very strange to me to speak to you in english, but it works. Thank for the link. I'll provide immediately to insert a blogroll list.