Probably, you have seen this picture before. But here, there are some post production features that I want to discuss with you. The most visible is a kind of comics-blurred effect. To obtain this, you have to follow these steps:
  1. First, you take the original picture and make two copies of it.
  2. Second: open Photomatix, click on Automate, then on Generate HDR.
  3. The program will ask you the photos to open as HDR. You must select the copies just created and ignore the message of exposure by clicking OK.
  4. Once the HDR image is created, click on Tone Mapping.
  5. Then, if you want, you might adjust it and then save it.
Now you can re-iterate these operations, creating two copies of the HDR image just saved. At the end of every cicle the colors will appear more saturate, so consider to desaturate them by using the appropriate Photoshop function. Furthermore, in order to obtain the blurred effect, I added the noise reduction filter in Photoshop, reducing the details percentage. At this point I have modified the tone curves and the proportions between lights and shadows.
This first result is not so wonderful, but I have to improve this technique that I find very nice.

8 Responses to "Comics-effect"

  1. gravatar Giulio Says:

    well man, i like more BW then colour, i ask you for some trick....

  2. gravatar sushi john Says:

    It works also with other photos, or this one is a lucky tries?

  3. gravatar Deezzle Says:

    Sushi, it works with every photo. I've choosen this because of its various colors.

    G, every time you want, tell me!

  4. gravatar Anonymous Says:

    my dear dee, I once asked you about where to find photomatix, and you obviously suggested me to turn to the dear ol' mule. but: how is it that I can only find .exe? when I try and download zipped packs I cannot see the .what but I tried with a bunch of them and they always come up with being .exe. help me!

  5. gravatar Deezzle Says:

    Dear Adelaide, go to and download the shareware version of the program. You can use the mule in order to obtain the requested code. Like always.

  6. gravatar adelaide_the_president Says:

    do you mean the free trial version? I've been looking for the shareware but only found that one.

  7. gravatar Deezzle Says:

    Oh yes!

  8. gravatar adelaide_the_president Says:

    ok I'll give it a try...